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Timshell Farm Golden Toodles!

Perfect family pets – Blending attributes of wonderful breeds

Medium and Smaller sized Goldendoodle mothers bred by Timshell Farm,
bred to Boo Radley, a gentle Tibetan, for this gorgeous and friendly new triple-cross!

Litters arriving in 2011 & 2012.

We are expecting multi-color coats, solid coats (white, gold, cream and apricot)
have bred for puppies to look like this beautiful “Benji” dog!

Timshell Farm Golden Toodles!

Click HERE to read descriptions and see photos of the parent dogs!

Click HERE to read more about "Tibetan" Terriers.

Goldendoodle Mothers are in Outside Circles
BOO RADLEY, Tibetan Sire, is in the Center Circle
Boo Radley surrounded by his admiring females!Boo RadleyKerraChinaJoySugarplumEllie

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