Doodle-Kin Puppies


Timshell Farm Doodle Kin – born 12/18/2007

Parents: Ellie and Rohan

Chester & Family

First update from Sally M.:

ChesterHi Linda - my camera is not working, so I'll just have to tell you about Chester this time.  He and the boys are getting along wonderfully, I actually hear several times a day "I just love him so much"....he really is a calm little guy who seems eager to please.  The first night home he did cry from about 3:30 - 6:30 if I moved more than an inch I ended up basically sleeping on the floor most of the night!  The next night I only stayed from 3:30-5:00!  The third day, Jim Burwell came!!!

We set up a second crate in my room, next to my bed and all was well.  I still got up to take him out at 3:30, but then he went right back to sleep 'till 6:30.  Jim also had us get rid of the baby gates and just keep Chester on a light leash at all times.  He has not had an accident in the house since Sunday and by Monday night he started barking at the back door to go out!!  We will watch him like a hawk.  Jim showed us how to get him to sit, lay down and wait.... Chester really seems to be getting it.  He is definitely better behaved with me than he is with the boys...still jumping on them, but they let him (they think I'm "mean" when I use a firm voice). 

The vet was very impressed ...saying he has an awesome temperament.  He is not very "mouthy", just looks and studies life a lot and really does do what we tell him. He has been to Kindergarten show and tell and little league baseball, he usually sits between my feet and watches everyone, but lets everyone pet him. 

Jim Burwell came for a second session yesterday, with a doggy role model for Chester .  They got along just fine, and Chester worked hard. 

Thank you for letting him into our lives and setting a good foundation....and thanks so much for insisting on in-home training!!!  It has made for a very happy week.  I will send pictures soon!



Update 4/29/08

Chester with his teacher, Jim BurwellLinda - Here is a picture of Chester with his teacher, Jim Burwell.  Chester is doing great...he remains an awesome puppy.  He had a check up last week and weighed in at 17-1/2 pounds.  Everyone still remarks that he is a calm, smart, sweet dog!  He truly does love to please and he just wants to be around his family.  He does love socks, but is learning to fetch, come and walk like a city dog.  Jim suggested we use a "gentle leader" and it works very well. 

Chester is definitely attached mostly to me, probably because he is still literally attached mostly to me during the day (he's on a leash or in the crate if he's in the house).  We've had no "accidents" in a couple of weeks. When we wants to go out he just stands by the door or barks - he rarely barks for any other reason.  He is still waking up about 5:00 to go out.  He's great with the kids and their friends....even learning to not jump on them.  He loves to play and run outside.  However, maybe it's a bit of his dad, but he actually caught a dove in the backyard yesterday...As you can imagine there wasn't much left of the dove and I am too much of a city slicker to go look for the remains. Even though the boys and I were a little freaked out, my husband assured me it's just nature (and I think he was proud of Chester !). 

We live near a shopping village and every single time we walk Chester over there I get questioned about where did I get such a great dog.  I keep joking that Chester and I could become dog brokers...I'll put a little sign on him with your web site address..  Seriously, four people have now stopped and wrote down the web site, saying they would love to have a Chester .

Oh, we still have not found one loose hair!

I think Chester may be getting his first little haircut this week. Jim Burwell says he knows an awesome groomer who makes house calls.  I'll try to remember to send you before and after pictures. ( Chester did tolerate a backyard bath just fine a couple of weeks ago).



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