I will provide information on the characteristics and properties of the breed to interested individuals.
I will maintain a safe, clean and sanitary facility for all stud dogs, bitches, adult dogs for sale and puppies for sale.
I will breed only for the purpose of improving the quality of the breed. I will conscientiously plan each litter of puppies for sale, selecting a stud dog and bitch to be mated based on their pedigrees, conformation and temperament.
I will be knowledgeable about inherited health problems in my breed and will do appropriate health clearances on all breeding animals.
I will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed, nor falsely advertise, or mislead any person regarding the performance of any dogs for sale or puppies for sale.
I will not breed any male or female until they are both physically and mentally mature, and I will not continue to breed any male or female beyond an appropriate age for the breed.
I will comply with all federal, state or provincial and local government laws and regulations concerning the keeping of dogs.
I will refrain from releasing any puppy until it is at least seven (7) weeks old, or eight (8) weeks old if the puppy is to be shipped.
I will show discrimination in the sale of my puppies and be concerned with the type of homes in which they are placed. I will make buyers aware of their responsibilities as dog owners. I will not sell or donate dogs to commercial dog wholesalers, dealers, brokers, retailers, pet shops or any other person or organization, for resale or "give-away" to the public.
I will keep accurate records and retain those records for a minimum of five years. These records will include: stud service contracts, pedigrees, all litters of puppies for sale, and all dogs/puppies sold
I will not deliberately degrade any fancier, their dogs, or their kennel.
I agree to be a resource for buyers of puppies or older dogs that I have sold for the life of the dog.